Spirituality: The Power of Entrepreneurship


  • Jozef Raco Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado
  • Johanis Ohoitimur Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng
  • Kosmas Sobon Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado




Spirituality, Entrepreneurship, Management, Business, Economics


Spirituality is considered to be an essential nature of human being that strengthens their purpose and mental power to do something for the betterment of many people. Spirituality is considered as a part of theology or other divine disciplines. Spirituality is becoming an important topic in Management and Economics, particularly in entrepreneurship. It is an animating force and vital principle that motivates entrepreneurs to run a business which is not merely for making profit but, enabling them to better serve people. A real spiritual entrepreneur is not just looking for their own benefit, but for the betterment of others. Any business which is beneficial and helpful to others will grow better and enjoy economic benefits. Spirituality is in line with the core principle of entrepreneurs, which is doing business to meet customers’ need. One characteristic of spirituality is seeking to transcend the ego or their own self-centered interests. That is why spirituality is very important for entrepreneurs. It can be considered as a capital that has a number of core elements such as being driven by deep values, having a clear sense of purpose, and involving applied ethics in service.


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