The Effect of Relationship Marketing on Customers’ Loyalty (Evidence from Zemen Bank)


  • Cherinet Boke Chakiso



Key words, Relationship marketing, Trust, Commitment, Conflict Management, Communication, Gratitude, Management Commitment, Customers Loyalty.



Every firm without good marketing team and strategies is bound to fail. In order to be competitive and profitable in the industry, bankers should acquire and retain profitable customers. Definitely this is done with Relationship marketing. Relationship marketing is a philosophy of doing business, a strategic orientation that focuses on keeping and improving current customers rather than acquiring new customers. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of Relationship marketing underpinnings on customers‟ loyalty. The study also investigated the mediating role of top management commitment between relationship marketing and customers‟ loyalty. The study is based on information collected from both primary and secondary sources of data. The sample for this study is taken from customers of Zemen bank in Addis Ababa. Data analyses were done using frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, cross-tabulations, and tables followed by discussions. Moreover, inferential statistics of bivariate correlations and simple and multiple regressions were used. Findings of this study reveal that there is a significant and strong correlation between relationship marketing and customers‟ loyalty. Moreover, the study reveals that there is significant effect of trust, commitment, communication, and gratitude on predicting customers’ loyalty. Of these relationships, Gratitude emerged as the strongest factor which influences customers’ loyalty while conflict management remained statistically insignificant and negligible influence on customers’ loyalty in the cumulative model. However, all underpinnings had statistically significant influence on customers’ loyalty as individual. Moreover, management commitment had mediating effect between relationship marketing and customers’ loyalty. Depending on the findings, practical implications of this study is in order to ensure loyalty among bank customers; bankers should build a better relationship marketing strategy. Therefore, banks competitiveness and profitability will depend on their ability to build strong relationship bonds with their customers continuously. Furthermore, future research directions were also suggested on this study.

Author Biography

Cherinet Boke Chakiso

Mr. Cherinet Boke is senior lecturer in department of management, Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia. Mr. Cherinet Boke has vast experience in teaching and advising, conducting researches, and providing community service.


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