Call for Papers


Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ) invites both academic and industrial research scholars from different parts of the world to submit their original manuscripts in the field of international business management. EMAJ welcomes manuscripts across all areas of international business disciplines such as – strategic management, accounting and finance, operations management, economics, management information systems, marketing, human resources management, business ethics and business law.

EMAJ Emerging Markets Journal aims to:

  • Publish empirical research that extends or builds management theory and contributes to management practice with a special focus on emerging markets.
  • All empirical methods -- including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, and combination methods -- are welcome.
  • To be published in EMAJ, a manuscript must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the business management field.
  • Preference is given to submissions that test, extend, or build strong theoretical frameworks while empirically examining issues with high importance for business management theory and practice.

EMAJ is a free, online and print, open access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary international Business Management Journal published by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh and is cosponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Press.

EMAJ is currently indexed with the following indexes such as: PKP,   Open Archives Registry, UIUC OIA registry, OAIster, Ulrich’s, EBSCO, WorldCat (OCLC), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Electronic Journals Library, SHERPA/RoMEO  (UK), Cabell's Directory.

We also invite interested professionals to join EMAJ team as a part of editorial board member or as a reviewer. Interested candidates may apply for the following positions through .



Vedat Akman


For Print Issue Requests

Feel free to contact for Print Issues On-Demand (available beginning on Nov.2012):

Ann Schober - University of Pittsburgh Book Center


4000 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh PA 15213

Tel: 412-648-1461
