Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ) - International Human and Social Sciences Convention (UBSBK-2018) Partnership


Based on the partnership between Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ) and International Human and Social Sciences Convention (UBSBK-2018) as of 12 June, 2018, selected papers of UBSBK-2018 will have a chance to be published in EMAJ.

International Human and Social Sciences Convention (UBSBK-2018) will be held between 4-7 October 2018 at Silence İstanbul Hotel & Convention Center by the support of Istanbul Medeniyet University.  This convention will bring significant researchers, academicians and professionals in the related fields.  At this convention, the participants will have the opportunity to present their researches and to discuss the current topics of human and social sciences through an information exchange.

All theoretical and empirical studies made on the fields of Turkish Language and Literature, History, Geography, Climate Change, Eastern Languages and Literatures, Western Languages and Literatures, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Educational Sciences, Science of Translation, Archeology, Art History, Ancient Languages and Cultures, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Non-Governmental Organizations and Social Responsibility Management, Information and Document Management, Philosophy, History of Science, Theater Criticism and Dramaturgy, Conservation and Restoration of Movable Cultural Heritage, Private Law, Public Law, Economics, Finance, Operating Taxation, Capital Market Expertise, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Health Care Services Management and Economics, Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Econometrics, Financial Econometrics, Political Science and International Relations, International Trade and Finance, Tourism and Tourism Management, Gastronomy, Travel Management, Accommodation Management, Tourism Guiding, Political Science and Public Administration, Local Administrations, Urban and Environmental Studies, Economics and Administration, International Relations, Political Science, International Relations, International Business Administration, Management in Hospital and Health Care Organizations, Business Administration, Public Relations and Promotion, Advertising, Journalism, Radio-TV-Cinema, Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Sciences, History and Arts of Islam, Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge Education at Elementary School Level, Musicology, Performing Arts, Music, European Union, Eurasia Researches, Turkic Studies, Women Studies, Economics Law, Social Structure, Social Transformation, Turkish as a Foreign Language, Mediterranean World Researches, Museum Management, Management of Cultural Heritage Sites, Banking, Supply Chain Management, Transportation and Logistics Management, Higher Education Management, Career Counseling, International Media Studies, Management Information Systems, International Trade and Logistics will be assessed during the Convention that will cover all the subjects of the Human and Social Sciences. 

The convention will be held in Turkish and English. Authors wishing their notices not published as proceedings will be able to have their articles published in the Convention Journals screened by national and international indexes following the assessment made by arbitrators in the post-Convention period.

The due date for abstract submission is 15 August 2018.

Please visit the official website of conference for more information:
