Company Maturity Matrix


  • Olga Eckardt Independent Researcher



Anti-Fragile, Company Maturity Matrix, Sustainable Business, Model Development, Company Life-Cycle


The paper presents a Company Maturity Matrix as the possible interaction between two critical variables in management science: “Anti-Fragile” introduced by Nasim Taleb and measurement of cumulative experience as ability to manage company effectiveness and efficiency. The approach is to develop and represent a model as matrix coming from Boston Group Matrix. Both of variables are known and widely discussed, but the “Anti-Fragile” concept after its introduction has been isolated from other approaches, tools and measurements as a single research field. The aim of this research is to develop a simple framework (model) that could help to deeply understand the maturity level of a company, and use this matrix as the tool to develop different aspects of management in the company. On the next step, this theoretical framework can be used in empirical validation, which will lead to the building of a company life-cycle management. 


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