Investigation of Ethnocentrism Effect on Turkish Textile Image and Consumer Purchase Intention: Isfahan and Tabriz Cities as a Case Study


  • Bahram Ranjbarian University of Isfahan
  • Hamed Abbaszadeh Avilagh University of Isfahan



Ethnocentrism, Cognitive Image, Affective Image, Product Image, Purchase Intention


Cultural factors such as ethnocentrism and cultural stereotypes also play a prominent role in consumers' perceptions of brands. This paper examines the impact of ethnocentrism on the image of Turkish textiles and the purchase intention of these goods among Isfahan and Tabriz citizens. The population of this research is residents of Isfahan and Tabriz cities. This study's hypotheses are examined using structural equation modelling through PLS software. The results showed that ethnocentrism has a significant relationship with the product image, but these results were inconsistent in Isfahan and Tabriz cities. On the other hand, the relationship between ethnocentrism and the cognitive image was confirmed. However, the result was not approved for the affective image in both cities either.


Author Biographies

Bahram Ranjbarian, University of Isfahan

Professor of Marketing

Hamed Abbaszadeh Avilagh, University of Isfahan

M.A. in Business Administration


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