Interest-Free Finance Model by Using Blockchain-Based Company Tokens: Research on Digital Turkish Lira (DTL) and Borsa Istanbul with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Borsa Istanbul, COVID-19, Blockchain, Digital Turkish Lira (DTL), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)Abstract
Since technology benefits people in many areas, its effectiveness is increasing day by day. For this reason, many products and services have been digitized and made available to people. Especially in the last period, with the development of blockchain technology, there has been a significant change in the financial sector. Blockchain technology, which offers a decentralized transaction network, has contributed significantly to the development of digital currencies. In this context, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) started to work on Digital Turkish Lira (DTL) in 2021. In this context, it will enable the company tokens, which are proposed to be issued as a sub-unit of DTL, which is planned to use blockchain technology in its infrastructure, to be used in the financing of businesses, while also allowing investors to invest in Turkish Lira assets. In the research, it has been suggested that the company tokens to be issued under DTL can be traded on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) and invested, as well as the relevant tokens can be traded. The proposed model has been examined within the scope of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is frequently used in the research of technological innovations. The analysis process of the research was carried out with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The analysis of the research was carried out with the Smartpls 3 package program. Hypotheses H3, H5, and H8 were rejected and other hypotheses were accepted. When the results of the research were analyzed, it was determined that the factors affecting the intention to use the proposed company tokens were parallel to the literature. As a result of the analysis, it has been reached that the attitude and intention towards the use of company tokens in the proposed model are positive.
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