Anchoring the Anchor: Spirituality as an Entrepreneurial Competence


  • Gayatri Dwivedi Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
  • Seema Sharma Indian Institute of Technology Delhi



Spirituality, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Entrepreneurial Crossover, Psychological Capital


Spirituality is the fountainhead of many of the required and elemental entrepreneurial competencies, yet it seems to be out of the main stage in entrepreneurial-competence dialogue. Spirituality lays the groundwork for entrepreneurial success, as it builds eligibility for the same. It preludes, enables and sustains the phenomenon of entrepreneurship. Research confirms a huge overlap and integration between spiritual attributes, psychological capital and character-strengths. These together help entrepreneurial competencies and prospects. Spirituality should be accorded appropriate precedence in the scheme of competencies, though the extant literature denies any. Also, spiritual attributes give a meaningful and virtuous direction to entrepreneurial behaviors, rendering them beneficial to all holistically. This includes socioeconomic and ecological dimensions. Contrary to the misconceived dissonance between entrepreneurial interests and spiritual attributes, the pixie-dust of spirituality packs more punch in entrepreneurial pursuits. Absenting spirituality and the attributes associated with it in the entrepreneurial discussion will send the world hurtling into endless entropy.


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