Online Behavioral Experience of Nigeria University Students: Customer Expectation Approach


  • Johnson Adeoti University of Ilorin
  • Victor Okpanachi Nigeria Deposit insurance Corporation
  • Yinusa Olawale University of Ilorin
  • Ebenezer Balogun University of Ilorin



Behavioural experience, Customer expectation, Convenience, Comparison and choice, Product credibility


This study assessed behavioral experience and customer expectation. Specifically, it examined the effect of convenience on customer expectation, the effect of product quality on customer expectation as well as the effect of comparison and choice on customer expectation. Survey approach was used to assess university students from the six universities selected in Nigeria which served as the population with a sample size of 399 students drawn and multistage adopted for selecting the samples. The study used PLS-SEM analysis. It found that convenience, product credibility as well as comparison and choice had significant effects on customer expectations. Research concluded that behavioral experience affects customer expectation. The study recommended that online retail outlets had to streamline their service delivery processes, ensuring ease of access and use.


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