Supply Chain Finance: A Study on the Use of E-Money




Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Finance, Finance, E-Money


Supply Chain Finance (SCF) is the process of managing the necessary financing for the execution of procurement, production, storage and distribution processes. Cash flows have become a crucial element in Supply Chain Management (SCM) for companies. SCF is a topic that companies should focus more on, especially during times of high interest rates and stagnant markets. With the advancement of technologies, new payment services offered to consumers support SCF processes. E-Money is one of the significant examples of this. It has been frequently used in retail recently. E-Money is monetary value issued in exchange for accepted funds, stored electronically, and used for payments. E-Money can be used via virtual and physical cards. E-Money is also known as prepaid cards. In the retail sector, A-101's Hadi and Şok Market's Win application are notable examples in this field. Companies' E-Money applications are crucial for SCF. The ability for consumers to shop using cash loaded onto virtual E-Money cards (accounts) allows companies to utilize the money during the period between the cash being loaded and the expenditure being made. This situation provides a significant advantage in companies' cash flows. The current research examined how consumers perceive this process. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is frequently used in the acceptance of new technologies, was employed in the research. Due to the examination of multiple variables and their relationships in the research, the Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used. The Smart-PLS 4 package program was used during the analysis process. According to the results obtained, it can be said that consumers are considering completing their shopping using retailers' e-money. The positive impact of PU on AT and AT on intention are among the significant outcomes of the research. Since consumers have actively used many digital payment methods, especially after COVID-19, it is likely that they will adapt to the use of E-Money and digital payment applications in the future.


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