Organizational Culture Types and Their Effects on Organizational Performance in Turkish Hospitals


  • A.Zafer Acar Okan University, Faculty of Business and Adminisration
  • Pınar Acar Okan University, Faculty of Business and Adminisration



Nowadays a cultural transformation is seen in healthcare industry in Turkey because of important structural changes due to implemented exchange programs and liberalization policies on national basis. In this condition hospitals, as a business, make an effort to gain above average returns while serving the health services. According to the literature, one of the substantial intangible forces that affect performance is organizational culture. Thus, this study aims to identify the dominant organizational culture types of private and public hospitals while make a comparison between their effects on business performance. To examine the research questions a questionnaire survey performed, and data collected from 512 employees of 99 hospitals which are located in large cities of Turkey are analysed by using SPSS 15 program.

Author Biographies

A.Zafer Acar, Okan University, Faculty of Business and Adminisration

Head of International Logistics Department

Pınar Acar, Okan University, Faculty of Business and Adminisration

Research assistant at Healthcare Management department


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