EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal https://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/emaj <div><p style="float: right;"><img src="/ojs/public/journals/1/emaj_logo_2019.jpg" alt="" width="200px" height="200px" border="1px" /></p><p align="justify"><strong><br /></strong></p><p align="justify"><strong>EMAJ Emerging Markets Journal is a peer-reviewed semiannually published international Business Management Journal. It is published by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh and is cosponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Press.</strong></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p></div><table border="0"><tbody><tr><td><strong>ISSN (Print)</strong></td><td><strong>:</strong></td><td><strong>2159-242X</strong></td></tr><tr><td><strong>ISSN (Online)</strong></td><td><strong>:</strong></td><td><strong>2158-8708</strong> </td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><p>Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ) is currently indexed with the following indexes in alphabetical order:</p><p align="justify"> </p><p align="justify"><a href="http://abcgate.abc.us.org/index.php/browse/index/310" target="_blank">abcGATE</a><span> , </span><a href="https://library.usask.ca/ejournals/view.php?id=2320000000021214" target="_blank">ABI/INFORM</a><span> , </span><a href="http://www.academia.edu/" target="_blank">Academia.edu</a><span> , </span><a 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Any such posting made before acceptance and publication of the Work shall be updated upon publication to include a reference to the Publisher-assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and a link to the online abstract for the final published Work in the Journal.</li><li>Upon Publisher’s request, the Author agrees to furnish promptly to Publisher, at the Author’s own expense, written evidence of the permissions, licenses, and consents for use of third-party material included within the Work, except as determined by Publisher to be covered by the principles of Fair Use.</li><li>The Author represents and warrants that:<ol type="a"><li>the Work is the Author’s original work;</li><li>the Author has not transferred, and will not transfer, exclusive rights in the Work to any third party;</li><li>the Work is not pending review or under consideration by another publisher;</li><li>the Work has not previously been published;</li><li>the Work contains no misrepresentation or infringement of the Work or property of other authors or third parties; and</li><li>the Work contains no libel, invasion of privacy, or other unlawful matter.</li></ol></li><li>The Author agrees to indemnify and hold Publisher harmless from Author’s breach of the representations and warranties contained in Paragraph 6 above, as well as any claim or proceeding relating to Publisher’s use and publication of any content contained in the Work, including third-party content.</li></ol><p><span style="font-size: 75%;">Revised 7/16/2018. Revision Description: Removed outdated link. </span></p> The Roles of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in International Trade, Logistics and European Union’s (EU) Energy Supply Security https://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/emaj/article/view/301 <p>While new trade routes may have been discovered, the political, economic, and commercial relations among countries may lead to a desire to reactivate old routes or increase their capacity for active use over time. In the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine war, which is one of the most significant events happening worldwide, the impact of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) on global trade, economic, and logistical activities has been examined. In the current research, the qualitative method was employed to conduct an in-depth examination of the role of the OTS in global trade, transportation corridors, and the EU's energy supply security. For this study, secondary sources such as databases, scientific journals, books, national and international news, etc., were utilized. The research particularly highlights the quest for alternative routes in global trade, especially in recent times. In this context, it is noteworthy that Türkiye and the OTS are among the most significant partners. The presence of OTS is evident in almost all North-South and East-West oriented developed trade corridors, which supports this situation qualitatively. Additionally, the presence of OTS member countries with abundant underground resources enables the optimization of both logistics and supply elements together. This study emphasizes the significance of the OTS in the global economy and commercial activities. Particularly, it highlights the crucial role of Türkiye and OTS as a bridge between East and West, especially after the Ukraine-Russia war. The implications for the future underscore the strengths of OTS and its importance in the times to come.</p> Yavuz Toraman Copyright (c) 2024 yavuz toraman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 13 1 1 12 10.5195/emaj.2023.301 Moonlighting and Organizational Performance in the Nigerian Banking Sector https://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/emaj/article/view/294 <p>This study examined the effect of moonlighting on organizational performance in the Nigerian banking sector. It adopted a survey design that allowed the researcher to collect only cross-sectional data from the respondents. The questionnaire was administered to the staff of five (5) different banks in Lagos and Ogun states to seek their opinions. The responses were analyzed using regression analysis. The results revealed that, most of the respondents had heard and experienced moonlighting at various points of their career in the banking sector and that moonlighting negatively impacts firm performance in terms of employees’ productivity, profitability, and dividend payment. The study recommends the need for policies to be put in place. Terms of policies must be incorporated in the employment contract for employees to know the consequences of breaching the contract. Finally, disciplinary action should be taken on the affected staff to serve as deterrent to others.</p> Moruff Sanjo Oladimeji Atinuke Oluwatoyin Ayo- Balogun Henry Adewale Odunayo Copyright (c) 2024 Morruf Sanjo Oladimeji, Atinuke Oluwatoyin Ayo- Balogun, Henry Adewale Odunayo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 13 1 13 21 10.5195/emaj.2023.294 Investors’ Psych and Stock Return in Nigeria during the Covid-19 Pandemic Era https://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/emaj/article/view/284 <p>Investors’ attitudes were severely altered by the Covid-19 crisis, which had an intolerable effect on volatile returns in Nigerian stock market and other stock markets worldwide. Psychological trauma was experienced by stock investors due to the inability to foresee returns following the worldwide shock of Covid-19 and the subsequent drop in stock investments brought on by the unpredictability of macroeconomic behavior. This study analyzed the link effect of investor psyche on stock returns in Nigeria between March 2019 and December 2022. For this research, Sentiment Index (SMI) model was employed for the connection between investors psyche and returns on the Nigerian stock market. It was found that, investors psyche during Covid-19 pandemic negatively affected stock returns, resulting from negative concerns about their survival and financial security than the stock market, thus triggered sharp decline in stock investment. Thus, study concluded that Covid-19 outbreak impacted stock returns negatively. The research recommends that the Nigerian stock exchange commission should increase disclosure of market information, which is related to the magnitude and potentials of stock returns and degree of volatility at all times. The concerned volatility and potentials during the Covid-19 era were also influential to enhance investors’ confidence.</p> Segun Kamouru Fakunmoju Bello Ibrahim Abdullahi Oketoyin Abraham Gbadebo Copyright (c) 2024 SEGUN KAMORU FAKUNMOJU, BELLO IBRAHIM ABDULLAHI, Oketoyin Abraham Gbadebo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 13 1 22 27 10.5195/emaj.2023.284 Anchoring the Anchor: Spirituality as an Entrepreneurial Competence https://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/emaj/article/view/311 <p>Spirituality is the fountainhead of many of the required and elemental entrepreneurial competencies, yet it seems to be out of the main stage in entrepreneurial-competence dialogue. Spirituality lays the groundwork for entrepreneurial success, as it builds eligibility for the same. It preludes, enables and sustains the phenomenon of entrepreneurship. Research confirms a huge overlap and integration between spiritual attributes, psychological capital and character-strengths. These together help entrepreneurial competencies and prospects. Spirituality should be accorded appropriate precedence in the scheme of competencies, though the extant literature denies any. Also, spiritual attributes give a meaningful and virtuous direction to entrepreneurial behaviors, rendering them beneficial to all holistically. This includes socioeconomic and ecological dimensions. Contrary to the misconceived dissonance between entrepreneurial interests and spiritual attributes, the pixie-dust of spirituality packs more punch in entrepreneurial pursuits. Absenting spirituality and the attributes associated with it in the entrepreneurial discussion will send the world hurtling into endless entropy.</p> Gayatri Dwivedi Seema Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Gayatri Dwivedi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 13 1 28 37 10.5195/emaj.2023.311 Process Innovation as a Strategic Tool in Enhancing the Performance of Organizations: A Study of Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria https://emaj.pitt.edu/ojs/emaj/article/view/306 <p>This study investigated how process innovation might be used as a strategic tool to improve organizational performance in the context of Nigerian manufacturing companies. The study employed a descriptive survey methodology and population of the study consisted 7.533 employees from specifically 3 chosen manufacturing companies in Nigeria: Lafarge Africa Plc, Flour Mill Nigeria PLC and PZ Cussons. The sample size for the study was estimated using Andrew Fisher's Formula to be 366 and the distributed questionnaire was designed on a five-point Likert scale. Out of the 366 questionnaires that were distributed, 340 were returned, giving the study a response rate of 93%. SPSS was used to examine the data that were obtained. The study found a substantial correlation between the two variables and it was determined that process innovation is important for improving organizational performance. As a result, it was therefore recommended that manufacturing companies should constantly innovate their processes to increase competitive advantage in the market.</p> Augustine Chibueze Iherobiem Aminat Odunola Sanusi Copyright (c) 2024 Augustine IHEROBIEM, Aminat Sanusi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 13 1 38 44 10.5195/emaj.2023.306